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par Frank Tenaille

Since geopolitics lead him to leave Iraq, Fawzy Al-Aiedy has thrived to be the guardian of a world that is no more, or at the very least, which is buried in the misfortunes that have overcome the land of Aladdin millennial civilizations and theological tales constitute the fruitful grounds of culture. Therefore, when he plays the oud, the oboe, when he sings, when he composes, it is always with the idea that he is accountable for “an History” that could have turned so differently.


Conveyer of his region’s rich fantasia, he has accomplished himself through his compositions, as a witness to a magnificent heritage out-shadowed by depressing news reports. And thus, he invented his own style through his many award-winning creations. Immersing himself in the Western cultures discovering the world, as a pioneer of what is now known as World Music, he mapped his own orientality.


His artistic identity is unique, avoiding the reductive tags of "Arabic singer", "Iraqi folk", "Oriental jazz"... Because, just like his birthplace Basra, city of exchanges, his oeuvre is a fusion of many a artistic expressions, themes, songs, rhythms, articulated with literature, theater, philosophy, which know neither time nor space.


In this sense, just like a nomad traveling from one oasis to the next, his musical journey is punctuated by his own creations, remaining true to both the great Ziryab -who having left Baghdad, instigated Arab-Andalusian music in the 9th century and introduced the lute in Europe- and his adored Arthur Rimbaud, "The man with the soles of the winds", who impregnated the world with his poetry before reaching the Harrar.



Frank Tenaille

(traduction Delphine Beroske)



Frank Tenaille

A journalist, he has been supporting world music since the 70s.  He was editor-in-chief of several newspapers. Founding member and former president of Zone Franche. He has been artistic director of various festivals including Radio France Montpellier. He is artistic director of the Chantier (Centre for the creation of new traditional music). He has been head of the world music jury at the Charles-Cros Academy since 1998.

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Musiques en balade holds PLALTESV-R-2019-000342 show entrepreneur licenses 2 and 3 and is affiliated with the CNM , a member of the Zone Franche network (world music network) and SYNAVI .


France, Grand Est, Strasbourg 

© Musiques en balade 2020

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