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Page of all artist Fawzy-Al-Aiedy's albums. Great musical career. With 13 albums of Arabic music, world music. His latest project Ishtar Connection comes at the end of his career and musically symbolizes this bridge between East and West that the artist Fawzy Al-Aiedy has always wanted to achieve. You can download the Iraqi artist's albums.
Concert Ishtar Connection - Illkirch-Graffenstaden
De Gauche à Droite: Amin Al-Aiedy, Sylvain Ratovondrahety, Fawzy Al-Aiedy, Vincent Boniface, Adrien Al-Aiedy
Concert Ishtar Connection - Illkirch Graffenstaden
Alchimie entre Amin Al-Aiedy ey Vincent Boniface (Sylvain Ratovondrahety en arrière plan)
Exemple d'une page du livret d'Ishtar Connection
Titre du morceau : Shamoussa Livret réalisé par Pauline Bertrand
Concert Ishtar Connection - Illkirch-Graffenstaden
De Gauche à Droite: Amin Al-Aiedy, Sylvain Ratovondrahety, Fawzy Al-Aiedy, Vincent Boniface, Adrien Al-Aiedy
Ishtar Connection (2019)
world music
Oriental jazz
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