1976 - vinyl | The Song of the World / The New International Songwriter - Iraq
Pressed by the recent need to compose, the lute allows him to do more personal things and to express himself as both composer and singer - which hardly exists in Iraq.
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Tomorrow, if you come across "the man of the wind forgotten by the years", stop! Hear him speak, hear each other speak! Lift the veil of these sentences! Think about the reality to which the words refer! Fawzy has chosen to sing the poets of his city, of his country ... May they be yours too!
Marc Legras
With :
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Fawzy Al-Aiedy: Vocals, Oud
Recording : Studio Résonnances
Sound recording: Robert Prudon
Credits :
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Cover : Preface by Marc Legras
Text on makam : Tran Quang Hai
Song text 10 : Lucien Nicolas
Model and drawings : Catherine Bergès
Layout : Anne-Marie Rechner
Translation : Ahmed Ben Salah and Fawzy Al-Aiedy.